Thursday 26 January 2012

No, cannabis does not make you lazy and unmotivated... And this is why!

ARGGGG, "Why would I want to smoke weed? It makes you lazy, smelly and un-motivated". Right, let's just quickly make this point clear. Weed (Or cannabis....) is not just a drug which you take! It's a mixture of many different chemical compounds that together, create a unique and special type(strain) of weed. So, for example, Pineapple express(although it's not a real strain!) would be totally different to OG kush and give you a different high as well!

Here is a quick explanation of how weed works on a simple level. Obviously not everything about weed is understood yet, but here is what is widely known in the cannabis community...

I already said that there are estimated to be over 100 chemical compounds in weed which all work together to create that unqiue taste, colour, smell, look, high etc.. But there are two main chemicals which are usually concentrated on.... THC and CBD.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis! I'm sure you have heard people say "Yeah man, it's 25% THC, it will get you fucked" (even though that makes NO sense based on how the cannabis high actually works and how % of THC is calculated.. but that's for another blog post...) and that is because THC is the chemical which gets you really stoned. Also known as the "head high". Generally when you smoke weed with a lot of THC in it, you will get this head high and basically get lazy and sometimes unmotivated... This is the effect that cannabis is most known for and really, it's just because of propaganda! But, that, again is not what I am here to talk about.

But yeah, THC is basicly the chemical which makes your head feel really stoned and it makes you feel like you can't move and you just want to sit there and jam...

CBD (Cannabidol) is basicly the opposite of THC. It is a non-psychoactive chemical and it works basicly by "diluting" the THC in weed. So, for example:

Let's say our strain of weed has 25% thc. That is a huge amount. You may think that this will get you REALLY stoned, but if we add a lot of CBD, it will more or less cancel it out! so this means that a strain with 5% thc and low CBD might get your more stoned and head high than a 25% thc with high CBD! It get's a bit more complex than that because of what 25% thc ACTUALLY means (it is what is produced by the plant, not what is present...) but that is the basic idea.

Now, when you get a lot of CBD, you start to get what is known as a body high. Personally, I LOVE THIS and you just never get enough of it from the UK illegal cannabis market! which is a shame! Basicly, it makes you feel uplifted, happy, motivated, creative and sometimes full of energy. I have smoked some weed before and went for a 20 minute jog straight after! This was defiantly because it was high in CBD.

So, I hope this has helped to show you slightly what goes into weed. It's not straight forward and it does get a bit more complex than just "This gets you high".
Just a little, eh Towelie?

The biggest thing to remember is that cannabis is not like alcohol where it's a matter of the more you drink, the more intoxicated you are. It's so much more complex than that with cannabis. It's a mixture of different chemicals which create different effects!

.....Although yes, I accept that if someone uses weed irresponsible or are exposed to only high THC and low CBD... they will probably get lazy, unmotivated and a little bit smelly! Also, it comes down to WHO you are, a responsible person is more likely to not feel the negative effects of cannabis

Cannabis affects all of us!! Yes, even you!

One thing that irritates me when trying to talk to people about cannabis is the "I don't care, i don't even smoke it" but, it's sad to say that it doesn't matter. It affects every one of us, whether you or anyone around you smokes it or not!

I could ramble on about why cannabis is a great resource which you are currently missing out on, but whats the point? You will probably read two or three lines and lose interest... so here is a quick list of reasons why cannabis and the laws around it affects you and I urge you not to ignore these are things which you don't care about:

  • Medical Cannabis - I'm sure you knew this would pop up! Quiet simple, cannabis can benefit most people medically. Whether it's seen as a truely "medical" reason or not! If you have depression, anorexia, stress problems, cancer, asthma or even PMS! So, on those cold winter nights that you feel really down and in the dumps, one spliff or weed brownie could make you feel like it's the end to a warm summers day! It has worked for me many times!
  • Economy - It was estimated by clear to pump £6.7 billion + into our economy every year. What does this mean? Well, I am not fully educated on this area but I think the thing that would massively affect most of us are things such as less cuts! This should hopefully mean less cuts in public services, schools, colleges and the rest! So, when you are told "we cannot give students money to travel to college for their education" tell them we have a solution!
  • Police Time - We all want the scumbags off the streets and into the prisons! Why not save police time and money and concentrate on the organised crime aspect of it? This is already being done however! A new sentencing guidelines being introduced on the 27th Feb, this year, will mean that small time dealers/users/growers etc. will not be targeted. Instead they will go for the organised crime criminals! Result!
  • Hemp Resources - Hemp is an amazing resource with so many uses! check out this link to see some of the uses that hemp can be used for!
  • Jobs - Legalizing cannabis and having a fully regulated and in-depth system could create many jobs! I am not sure on the actual figure of this, however, if you are REALLY interested, google it! (I don't mean to sound sarcastic, It's just I only have 20 minutes left on my laptop charge!)
  • Safe Alternative - I'm sure that most of you are not botherd about alcohol and tobacco in your life! I'm sure that most of you drink alcohol and don't really care about the long term or short term effects. But, that doesn't mean they do not exist. By having cannabis legal, you could safely turn to cannabis to get intoxicated on without having to worry as much as you would with drinking. Lets not forget that you are far less likely to start vomiting or have a hangover!
  • What about these soldiers you so desperately support? And Others? - Well, if you are one of these "Ohhh Let's support our soldiers" and other say you support people such as medical patients to cancer/aids etc. Then why do you just totally ignore cannabis?!? If you are one of these people who actively does something when you say that you support or have sympathy for these people, then I apologize. But to you people who say they care, but don't act upon it... this is for you.... What if a soldier has post traumatic stress disorder? A lot of these people may fall victim to alcohol by depending on it and eventually killing themselves! With cannabis a safer alternative to alcohol, these people can be dependent on the drug for as long as they need to be and then get actual help when they are ready with a far lesser risk of being badly effected by it. Also, these medical patients who may NEED the drug, might even know they need it but are unable to get it because it is illegal! If you even slightly wanted to help people that you post facebook statuses about all the time, you would at least consider cannabis and do your research before saying "I don't care" 
Well, I am sure there is a lot more that I could write here. But I think those bullet points are enough for now. One more point though. I'd like to add that there is no better feeling, than knowing that you have safe drug to turn to if your life starts to fall apart. If something happens in your life and you just start feeling like all is lost, you can just turn to a joint or a bong hit then that can help you to get motivated and want to change things in your life again! 


----The Daily Prevail #1 - Drug sentencing guidelines!

Hello people of the internet. This is my first blog post and I will mainly be posting blogs about cannabis and drug-related posts from the UK. This first post called "The Daily Prevail" is going to be the first of many. It is simply somewhere that I can post my thoughts about the lies and deceit in many of the Daily Mail articles. Hopefully then with comments from all of you, we can have a small collection of the truth behind most articles at the Daily Mail.

Okay, so this first blog is on this article by Kathy Gyngell:

It is simple talking about the new sentencing guidelines that the courts and police officers are now going to be abiding by. If you don't know about them already then go to facebook, search for "cannabis law reform" and then go on the CLEAR facebook page. The information on this will be there somewhere! If it's not, then ask on there! But to put it simple, people that are not directly related to organised crime will be not as targeted as much as the actual "criminals". This means that if you are someone who has been forced or intimidated to be a drug mule or you are just smoking a few spliffs, then you won't be treated like you are the scum of the country anymore.

So, this is obviously a good thing... but for some odd reason Ms Gyngell thinks that this is a step in the WRONG direction?!? Yeah Kathy... Because this system at the moment is working perfectly! In fact,  I think we should waste, Err, invest more money and police time into catching these dangerous drug users and small-time dealers! (The new guidelines suggest not concentrating on small-time dealers and go for the people at the top of the chain... So that means small-time growers wont be as targeted either - It means we can actually get the criminals off the street).

Personally, I can never understand WHY people write this stuff and think it's right to publish it? Not to mention that the comments on these articles are filled with people disagreeing and simply laughing at the articles.. So, I located the writer of this article, Kathy Gyngell on facebook and decided to ask her to defend her words and to enlighten me on what she knows, and I don't!! Here is my message:

"Hello Kathy! 

I just read your article on the new drug sentencing guidelines and just have a few points to raise. I am hoping that you will simply co-operate with me as I am interested in what you think about it. I am not just trying to argue, I want to know your side of it.

First of all, you say that our misuse of drugs act protects the public from harmful, toxic and addictive substances even though this isn't true? It doesn't prevent the public from getting it nor helping the public overcome it. Instead if you do fall "victim" to the illegal drugs market, you are targeted and are punished for doing so... Is this really helping people? Wouldn't a system where people are fully educated and helped if they need it be better? (Remember - This would free police time, Produce more jobs? Be Cheaper AND more effective...)

Then you say that the "bulk of the public" agree that the current system is fine. But wasn't it in the 1930s when the bulk of the public in Germany agreed with the views of a certain Adolf Hitler? Just because the large majority of the public agree with something, it doesn't make it right and you shouldn't use that to justify the current system when it is irrelevant! I mean honestly... How much of the public actually know the details of the current drug policy? (and how many of them that DO know...actually agree with it!?)

And then you start rambling on about the prisons... No one is saying our prisons are full, it is simple said that police time is being wasted on these "criminals". May i remind you that there is not as many officers as there use to be. I think it was said somewhere that they spend 20% of time on drug issues... Although Im not sure how accurate that is! So, don't you think that police should spend more time on real crime? 

Now I am reading about the US having a good system? What about countries who have handed over the drug issues to their health departments... They are A LOT cheaper and more effective than any system that deals with it by making criminals out of victims! Im sure you have seen the home affairs committee with richard branson! Don't you think that it would make sense to listen to what Branson had to say in that?

That is my main questions with your article. Please don't just ignore this. At least make some attempt to defend your words. 

Thankyou Very much!"