Thursday 26 January 2012

No, cannabis does not make you lazy and unmotivated... And this is why!

ARGGGG, "Why would I want to smoke weed? It makes you lazy, smelly and un-motivated". Right, let's just quickly make this point clear. Weed (Or cannabis....) is not just a drug which you take! It's a mixture of many different chemical compounds that together, create a unique and special type(strain) of weed. So, for example, Pineapple express(although it's not a real strain!) would be totally different to OG kush and give you a different high as well!

Here is a quick explanation of how weed works on a simple level. Obviously not everything about weed is understood yet, but here is what is widely known in the cannabis community...

I already said that there are estimated to be over 100 chemical compounds in weed which all work together to create that unqiue taste, colour, smell, look, high etc.. But there are two main chemicals which are usually concentrated on.... THC and CBD.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis! I'm sure you have heard people say "Yeah man, it's 25% THC, it will get you fucked" (even though that makes NO sense based on how the cannabis high actually works and how % of THC is calculated.. but that's for another blog post...) and that is because THC is the chemical which gets you really stoned. Also known as the "head high". Generally when you smoke weed with a lot of THC in it, you will get this head high and basically get lazy and sometimes unmotivated... This is the effect that cannabis is most known for and really, it's just because of propaganda! But, that, again is not what I am here to talk about.

But yeah, THC is basicly the chemical which makes your head feel really stoned and it makes you feel like you can't move and you just want to sit there and jam...

CBD (Cannabidol) is basicly the opposite of THC. It is a non-psychoactive chemical and it works basicly by "diluting" the THC in weed. So, for example:

Let's say our strain of weed has 25% thc. That is a huge amount. You may think that this will get you REALLY stoned, but if we add a lot of CBD, it will more or less cancel it out! so this means that a strain with 5% thc and low CBD might get your more stoned and head high than a 25% thc with high CBD! It get's a bit more complex than that because of what 25% thc ACTUALLY means (it is what is produced by the plant, not what is present...) but that is the basic idea.

Now, when you get a lot of CBD, you start to get what is known as a body high. Personally, I LOVE THIS and you just never get enough of it from the UK illegal cannabis market! which is a shame! Basicly, it makes you feel uplifted, happy, motivated, creative and sometimes full of energy. I have smoked some weed before and went for a 20 minute jog straight after! This was defiantly because it was high in CBD.

So, I hope this has helped to show you slightly what goes into weed. It's not straight forward and it does get a bit more complex than just "This gets you high".
Just a little, eh Towelie?

The biggest thing to remember is that cannabis is not like alcohol where it's a matter of the more you drink, the more intoxicated you are. It's so much more complex than that with cannabis. It's a mixture of different chemicals which create different effects!

.....Although yes, I accept that if someone uses weed irresponsible or are exposed to only high THC and low CBD... they will probably get lazy, unmotivated and a little bit smelly! Also, it comes down to WHO you are, a responsible person is more likely to not feel the negative effects of cannabis

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