Wednesday 1 February 2012

Weed destroys lives and makes you stupid! I've seen it first hand - I don't need "evidence"

While browsing the internet I find a lot of people saying things such things such as "Of course weed makes you stupid! I've seen it first hand with a friend of mine who was really smart then after smoking weed got stupid and lazy, this is REAL LIFE evidence" or something a long those lines of people thinking that because they experienced something or saw someone change because of weed that they are right. These people just total ignore the facts on weed and before doing some research, just asume they are right!

I do understand where they come from though. If you have seen someone destroy their life on weed, then you would probably hate  the stuff! But, ignorance is what it is... ignorance.

The truth is... A lot of weed that you get today on the black market in the UK is usually going to be high in THC and low in CBD to give the maximum "high" effect(Look at previous blogs posts to see how THC and CBD work). This way, dealers can say they have really potent weed, which is what most people who buy from dealers, go for!

In the real world, weed is a very dynamic and complex drug. It is a mixture of over 100 cannabinoids which all combine to create a unique strain of weed! That is, It's own colour, look, smell, density, taste and ultimately - The high itself! Make sure you check out that blog post I linked to above, so you can see the two main cannabinoids, THC and CBD actually work. Then carry on reading...

So, you now know that dealers go for high THC and low CBD so that they can sell their product easily. That means that when you are buying your weed of the streets, you are not getting the CHOICE of weed which we all should have. You are being "forced" to smoke whatever you can find, which may not always be the best strain of weed for you!

If cannabis was legally taxed and regulated and sold in dispenciaries, then choice of different strains could be given. That would mean if you choose to, you could not take high THC strains and instead look for strains high in CBD. And you could even get choice between sativa or indica strains. Sativa being mainly high in CBD and low in THC and Indica as the opposite!

A good thing to remember is that weed is NOT like alcohol. It's not a matter of the more you drink/smoke, the more intoxicated you are. With weed, it's all about WHAT your smoking and not how much necessarily. Also, Sativa and indica (the main two families of weed) are two different plants - Sativa Cannabis and Indica Cannabis. Indica is what is most dominant in the UK black market.